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Organic Fertilizer Fermentation

Organic Fertilizer Fermentation
We can't prevent to the chemical materials using for the agricultural right now, even it's for the fertilizer or increasing it growth and gluing the pest barriers. have we thought the impacts of those chemical material using. generally those materials contain a poisonous so that it could poison the land, plant, air, water and other environment.
a fertilizer and chemical pest is so high price fully even our government has take subsidize out. This circumstance has a high dilemma for the farmers, if it's not fertilized by chemical material so that the production would be reduced. And it's fertilized by chemical, it would be a highly production price. So how can we solve this case? The best solution is we can take our farm by using an organic agriculture and plantations system. This system is a method of agriculture by an using a chemical materials. But we can an organic will be reducing our depend to the chemical materials.
I. Recognizing an organic Fertilizer
An Organic fertilizer is a thing made from natural sources that contains many genuine kind of fertilize in the land. While the an organic fertilizer is a made one from factory with anything has been made up in the land. We can say that an organic fertilizer was the most important thing for trying a land fertilizing. It has been reported that using an organic fertilizer could be effect of a balance land damage. So that it can reduce any result of the production of the farming. Thus, it is important to increase an efficiency of the using fertilizer that related aspects of natural supporting.
Agriculture Organic is Striving Time
A study from negative impact to use pesticide or mature, man exert to look for farming orderly. Order is for nature and society. There are methods of and organic agricultural. And organic agriculture is farming familiar nature. The characteristic are utilization local variety natural and useful mature and organic future, because it is kept remain nature. That was developed with utilization mature and chemical pesticide so that products agriculture organic is exempted. From dangerous things.
II. The Prospect of Organic Agriculture
The mature organic is a factor too much interest in improving flourish ground. The utilization of mature will not remind with producing growth so safe for healthy and nature.
2.1. Economic and Prospect of Business of Organic Agriculture
Activation back to nature based on conscious of interesting in to keep health body and maintenance nature. There are prospects for commodities agriculture is produced by organic. There are conscious There are conscious that broke and food is consummated mater chemical and danger for healthy. They look for new technology about mature organic can make recover and advance flourish of land with to develop an organic agriculture. The value economic of mature organic higher than un organic at the future. Prospect of business organic agriculture more magnificent. The society often consumption products agriculture to be planted organic.
2.2 The Advantages After doing Demonstrate Plot organic Fertilizer with Micro-Organism Technology Activator
a. Maintenance nature because it is matters organic.
b. To provide enough food for plant and fill micro-organism, amino acid, nutricy and mineral for fertilizing land.
c. Stretch age hard plant because root system grow strong and magnificent.
d. To keep height water in land and decrease eruption.
e. It is not smell as animal dirt because fill carbon active calium and can destroy germ at the land.
f. To strong antibody plant with sick.
g. To strong photosynthesis plant.
h. To speed up secrecy and fertilization.
i. To produce product bigger than before for growing longer.
III. The Process of Organic Fertilizer with Micro-Organism Technology Activator
A. Mature
The raw material are needed in processing organic fertilizer with micro-organism technology activator production are :
Hen dirty in area production so it can support maintenance nature.
◙ Stone naturally. It can enrich mineral and advantage nutricy that is grown plant.
◙ There are six micro-organism. They can help process of growth plant and let loose chemical ingredients.
◙ There are enriched macro or micro elements and amino acid.
B. Process of First Production
The transport with hen filthy from supplier selectively, based on requesting with dry land maturely. This is destroyed by machine. With hope, the quality is produced to quality mature organic. After be destroyed, it is balanced based on formula.
C. Process of Fermentation
In processing of fermentation is attention by us as follow :
a. Total hen filthy will be fermented. It must balance based on formula.
b. The support indicator must balance based on formula.
c. After be meddled, it is fermented for three to four week. The purpose is maximum iclim. For resultating fermentation equal so make allusion to normal climate for a week.
d. For resulting quality mature organic, steps must be applicated, example : row material selectively, balance produce process, time of fermentation and keep climate.
D. Amdal / Dump
From studying first production to fermentation so Amdal is produced from of mature organic by nothing. Because raw materials or support materials can be processed with not to leave liquid and solid rubbish. Hen filthy is smell in the future and solution are area product much far than residency society.
E. Finishing
After processing fermentation for three week with a stability climate and make allusion for a week so that process of mature organic production has been finished. The step are processed finishing follow : go in sack with lining inner plastic and be considered by fifty kilogram tidy.