Welcome to PT. Rajawali Nusindo Branch Surabaya, Indonesia

Robusta Coffee

Robusta Coffee produced through large scale
plantation and processed by Wet Process. 

Robusta Coffee planted area
managed are in seven sperated estates,
namely Ngrangkah Pawon (satak),
bangelan, Renteng (Rayap),
Silosanen, Gunung Gumitir, Malangsari
and Kaliselogiri Estates
Robusta Java Coffee had such a unique traditional taste.
The taste is very down to earth, and best serves without
sugar –for those who loves their coffee black,
this is one of the best coffees that have a sensual thick
black taste. This kind of taste is the kinds of taste
you’ll find in traditional Javanese coffee bars
called warung kopi.
It had an exclusive yet traditional taste of
Javanese Coffee culture.
We give you this kind of taste, but wrapped exclusively
for your best satisfaction.

Growing Area : east Java
Temperature : 18°c - 35°c
Origin : Indonesia
Flowering month : October - November
Harvest month : May/ June till August/September
Processing : Wet Process
Quality assurance system certification : Utz Certified for
Ngrangkah Pawon, Bangelan, renteng, Gunung Gumilir,
Malangsari, Kaliselogiri Estate
Quality characteristic : Normal beans apperance,
good aroma, medium body taste.

Quality Specification, click here